Extending CarmenΒΆ

Carmen can be extended with user-written resolvers. These resolvers should be subclasses of carmen.resolver.AbstractResolver that provide implementations of the add_location() and resolve_tweet() methods. Resolvers may create lookup tables or other caches when locations are added, depending on how they resolve individual tweets.

Using custom resolvers with the get_resolver() API is a two-step process. First, the resolver should be decorated with the carmen.resolver.register() function, in order to enable automatic loading. The decorator takes one argument, a name that is used to refer to the resolver for inclusion, exclusion, option specification, and in resolution_method attributes:

from carmen.resolver import AbstractResolver, register

class FooResolver(AbstractResolver):

Next, when calling get_resolver(), specify modules containing additional custom resolvers in the modules keyword argument:

from carmen import get_resolver
import mypackage.resolvers

resolver = get_resolver(modules=[mypackage.resolvers])

Any options specified in the options argument to get_resolver() are passed as keyword arguments when the resolver is instantiated. For example, a resolver named custom may have the following signature for its __init__ method:

def __init__(self, allow_foo=True, allow_bar=False):

These defaults may be overridden with an options dictionary containing:

{'custom': {'allow_foo': False, 'allow_bar': True}}

Locations may then be added, and tweets resolved, as with Carmen’s built-in resolvers.

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